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[wowza]如何发布一个直播流(MPEG-TS based encoder)英文版

时间:2015-02-10 10:19酷播
[wowza]如何发布一个直播流(MPEG-TS based encoder)英文版 How to publish and play a live stream (MPEG-TS based encoder)


This tutorial provides the basic steps for using a live encoder that publishes a stream using the MPEG2 Transport Stream protocol (MPEG-TS). Follow these steps to setup an application named live to stream live content to Adobe Flash player, Microsoft Silverlight player, Apple iOS devices, and RTSP/RTP based players & devices.

Updated for Wowza Media Server 2.2.0 (19 November 2010)

  1. Create application folder [install-dir]/applications/live
  2. Create configuration folder [install-dir]/conf/live and copy [install-dir]/conf/Application.xml into this new folder
  3. Edit the newly copied Application.xml file and make the following changes (some of these settings may already be present):
  1. Set the Streams/StreamType property to: live
  2. Set the HTTPStreamers property to: cupertinostreaming, smoothstreaming, sanjosestreaming
  3. Set the Streams/LiveStreamPacketizers property to: cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer:
    <LiveStreamPacketizers>cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer</LiveStreamPacketizers>
    Note cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer are used for iOS, Silverlight and Flash HTTP clients. You can remove packetizers that you don't need.
  4. Set the RTP/Authentication/PlayMethod to: none
    Download: Right click Application.xml to download a pre-configured version of Application.xml.
  1. Using a text editor, create the file [install-dir]/content/mpegts.stream (有多个流的话此名称做如下变化test.stream test2.stream,mpegts可随意变化,stream不能变动)set the contents of this file to udp:// (if you are receiving a multicast stream, change the part to the multicast address of the stream)(可以设置成VLC的服务器IP,端口也可改变,但需要vlc也做相应改变)
  2. Using a text editor, edit the file [install-dir]/conf/admin.password and add a username and password that will be used to start and stop the publishing of the MPEG-TS stream (below is an example of the file with the username myuser and password mypassword):
    # Admin password file (format [username][space][password])
    # username password
    myuser mypassword
  3. Start Wowza Media Server 2
  4. Configure the MPEG-TS based encoder to send a live stream to the IP address of the server running Wowza Server using port 10000
  5. Use the Stream Manager to start the MPEG-TS stream
  1. 在浏览器中打开 http://[wowza-address]:8086/streammanager,输入用户名、密码,做下面配置
  1. Open a web browser and enter the url: http://[wowza-address]:8086/streammanager
  2. Enter your admin username and password from above
  3. Click the [start-receiving-stream] link just below the live application folder
  4. Select the MediaCaster Type: rtp
  5. Enter mpegts.stream into the Stream Name field
  6. Click OK



