- void MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer
- ::afterGettingFrame1(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
- struct timeval presentationTime,
- unsigned durationInMicroseconds) {
- // Check that the first 4 bytes are a system code:
- if (frameSize >= 4 && fTo[0] == 0 && fTo[1] == 0 && fTo[2] == 1) {
- fPictureEndMarker = True; // Assume that we have a complete 'picture' here
- unsigned i = 3;
- //
- //视觉对象序列,按照完整的MPEG4 Elemental Stream进行解析
- //
- // The next byte is the "profile_and_level_indication":
- if (frameSize >= 5) fProfileAndLevelIndication = fTo[4];
- // The start of this frame - up to the first GROUP_VOP_START_CODE
- // or VOP_START_CODE - is stream configuration information. Save this:
- for (i = 7; i < frameSize; ++i) {
- if ((fTo[i] == 0xB3 /*GROUP_VOP_START_CODE*/ ||
- fTo[i] == 0xB6 /*VOP_START_CODE*/)
- && fTo[i-1] == 1 && fTo[i-2] == 0 && fTo[i-3] == 0) {
- break; // The configuration information ends here
- }
- }
- fNumConfigBytes = i < frameSize ? i-3 : frameSize;
- delete[] fConfigBytes; fConfigBytes = new unsigned char[fNumConfigBytes];
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < fNumConfigBytes; ++j) fConfigBytes[j] = fTo[j];
- // This information (should) also contain a VOL header, which we need
- // to analyze, to get "vop_time_increment_resolution" (which we need
- // - along with "vop_time_increment" - in order to generate accurate
- // presentation times for "B" frames).
- analyzeVOLHeader();
- }
- if (i < frameSize) {
- u_int8_t nextCode = fTo[i];
- //
- //VOP组
- //
- if (nextCode == 0xB3 /*GROUP_VOP_START_CODE*/) {
- // Skip to the following VOP_START_CODE (if any):
- for (i += 4; i < frameSize; ++i) {
- if (fTo[i] == 0xB6 /*VOP_START_CODE*/
- && fTo[i-1] == 1 && fTo[i-2] == 0 && fTo[i-3] == 0) {
- nextCode = fTo[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- //视觉对象平面
- //
- if (nextCode == 0xB6 /*VOP_START_CODE*/ && i+5 < frameSize) {
- ++i;
- // Get the "vop_coding_type" from the next byte:
- u_int8_t nextByte = fTo[i++];
- u_int8_t vop_coding_type = nextByte>>6; //VOP开始符后的2bit,表示帧类型I/P/B/S
- // Next, get the "modulo_time_base" by counting the '1' bits that
- // follow. We look at the next 32-bits only.
- // This should be enough in most cases.
- u_int32_t next4Bytes
- = (fTo[i]<<24)|(fTo[i+1]<<16)|(fTo[i+2]<<8)|fTo[i+3];
- i += 4;
- u_int32_t timeInfo = (nextByte<<(32-6))|(next4Bytes>>6);
- unsigned modulo_time_base = 0;
- u_int32_t mask = 0x80000000;
- while ((timeInfo&mask) != 0) {
- ++modulo_time_base;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- mask >>= 2;
- // Then, get the "vop_time_increment".
- unsigned vop_time_increment = 0;
- // First, make sure we have enough bits left for this:
- if ((mask>>(fNumVTIRBits-1)) != 0) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < fNumVTIRBits; ++i) {
- vop_time_increment |= timeInfo&mask;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- while (mask != 0) {
- vop_time_increment >>= 1;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- }
- //
- //若是"B"frame, 需要修正时间时间戳
- //
- // If this is a "B" frame, then we have to tweak "presentationTime":
- if (vop_coding_type == 2/*B*/
- && (fLastNonBFramePresentationTime.tv_usec > 0 ||
- fLastNonBFramePresentationTime.tv_sec > 0)) {
- int timeIncrement
- = fLastNonBFrameVop_time_increment - vop_time_increment;
- if (timeIncrement<0) timeIncrement += vop_time_increment_resolution;
- unsigned const MILLION = 1000000;
- double usIncrement = vop_time_increment_resolution == 0 ? 0.0
- : ((double)timeIncrement*MILLION)/vop_time_increment_resolution;
- unsigned secondsToSubtract = (unsigned)(usIncrement/MILLION);
- unsigned uSecondsToSubtract = ((unsigned)usIncrement)%MILLION;
- presentationTime = fLastNonBFramePresentationTime;
- if ((unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec < uSecondsToSubtract) {
- presentationTime.tv_usec += MILLION;
- if (presentationTime.tv_sec > 0) --presentationTime.tv_sec;
- }
- presentationTime.tv_usec -= uSecondsToSubtract;
- if ((unsigned)presentationTime.tv_sec > secondsToSubtract) {
- presentationTime.tv_sec -= secondsToSubtract;
- } else {
- presentationTimepresentationTime.tv_sec = presentationTime.tv_usec = 0;
- }
- } else {
- fLastNonBFramePresentationTime = presentationTime;
- fLastNonBFrameVop_time_increment = vop_time_increment;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Complete delivery to the client:
- fFrameSize = frameSize;
- fNumTruncatedBytes = numTruncatedBytes;
- fPresentationTime = presentationTime;
- fDurationInMicroseconds = durationInMicroseconds;
- afterGetting(this);
- }
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