The NetStatusEvent AS3 reference, video player code attribute-level attribute significance
"NetStream.Buffer.Empty" "status" to receive the data fast enough to fill the buffer. Data flow will be re-filled in the buffer before the break, then will be sent
NetStream.Buffer.Full message, and the stream will start playing.
"NetStream.Buffer.Full" "status" buffer is full and the stream will start playing.
"NetStream.Buffer.Flush" "status" of data stream processing has been completed, the remaining buffer will be empty.
"NetStream.Publish.Start" "status" has been published successfully.
"NetStream.Publish.BadName" "error" has been trying to release the flow released others.
"NetStream.Publish.Idle" "status" flow has been idle too long the publisher.
"NetStream.Unpublish.Success" "status" operation has been successful implementation of the abolition of release.
"NetStream.Play.Start" "status" Play has begun.
"NetStream.Play.Stop" "status" play has ended.
"NetStream.Play.Failed" "error" for the reasons listed in this table other than a reason (for example, subscribers do not read permissions), play an error occurred.
"NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" "error" can not find the pass
play ()
Methods FLV.
"NetStream.Play.Reset" "status" led by the play list reset.
"NetStream.Play.PublishNotify" "status" to the flow of the initial release was sent to all subscribers.
"NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify" "status" from the cancellation of the release stream is sent to all subscribers.
"NetStream.Pause.Notify" "status" stream has been suspended.
"NetStream.Unpause.Notify" "status" flow has been restored.
"NetStream.Record.Start" "status" recording has started.
"NetStream.Record.NoAccess" "error" trying to record the state of the stream is still in play or the client does not have access to the stream.
"NetStream.Record.Stop" "status" recording stopped.
"NetStream.Record.Failed" "error" attempt to record a stream failed.
"NetStream.Seek.Failed" "error" Search fails, if the flow in a non-search condition, search failure occurs.
"NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime" "error" for the use of progressive download method to download the video, the user has downloaded so far have tried to skip to the end of the video data, or download the entire file has to skip to the end of the video search or Play.
Attribute contains a time code, the code that users can search the last valid location.
"NetStream.Seek.Notify" "status" search operation is complete.
"NetConnection.Call.BadVersion" "error" to not recognize the format of encoded data packets.
"NetConnection.Call.Failed" "error"
Methods can not call the server-side method or command.
"NetConnection.Call.Prohibited" "error" Action Message Format (AMF) operations are blocked for security reasons. Or AMF URL and the SWF is not in the same domain, or SWF file AMF server does not trust domain policy file.
"NetConnection.Connect.Closed" "status" successfully close the connection.
"NetConnection.Connect.Failed" "error" Connection attempt failed.
"NetConnection.Connect.Success" "status" connection attempt succeeded.
"NetConnection.Connect.Rejected" "error" connection attempt does not have access permissions to the application.
"NetConnection.Connect.AppShutdown" "error" the specified application is shutting down.
"NetConnection.Connect.InvalidApp" "error" connection to the specified application name is invalid.
"SharedObject.Flush.Success" "status" "pending" status has been analytical and
SharedObject.flush ()
Call success.
"SharedObject.Flush.Failed" "error" "pending" status has been resolved, but
SharedObject.flush ()
"SharedObject.BadPersistence" "error" to use a permanent mark on the shared object to the request, but the request can not be approved because other markers have been used to create the object.
"SharedObject.UriMismatch" "error" attempt to link
The NetStatusEvent AS3 reference video
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