- <%
- Option Explicit
- sBASE_64_CHARACTERS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- sBASE_64_CHARACTERS = strUnicode2Ansi(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS)
- Function strUnicodeLen(asContents)
- asContents1 = "a"&asContents
- len1 = Len(asContents1)
- k = 0
- For i = 1 To len1
- asc1 = Asc(Mid(asContents1, i, 1))
- If asc1<0 Then asc1 = 65536 + asc1
- If asc1>255 Then
- kk = k + 2
- Else
- kk = k + 1
- End If
- Next
- strUnicodeLen = k -1
- End Function
- Function strUnicode2Ansi(asContents)
- Dim len1,varasc,varHex,varlow,varhigh,varchar,i
- strUnicode2Ansi = ""
- len1 = Len(asContents)
- For i = 1 To len1
- varchar = Mid(asContents, i, 1)
- varasc = Asc(varchar)
- If varasc<0 Then varascvarasc = varasc + 65536
- If varasc>255 Then
- varHex = Hex(varasc)
- varlow = Left(varHex, 2)
- varhigh = Right(varHex, 2)
- strUnicode2AnsistrUnicode2Ansi = strUnicode2Ansi & chrb("&H" & varlow ) & chrb("&H" & varhigh )
- Else
- strUnicode2AnsistrUnicode2Ansi = strUnicode2Ansi & chrb(varasc)
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Function strAnsi2Unicode(asContents)
- Dim len1,i,varasc,varchar
- strAnsi2Unicode = ""
- len1 = lenb(asContents)
- If len1 = 0 Then Exit Function
- For i = 1 To len1
- varchar = midb(asContents, i, 1)
- varasc = ascb(varchar)
- If varasc > 127 Then
- strAnsi2UnicodestrAnsi2Unicode = strAnsi2Unicode & Chr(ascw(midb(asContents, i + 1, 1) & varchar))
- ii = i + 1
- Else
- strAnsi2UnicodestrAnsi2Unicode = strAnsi2Unicode & Chr(varasc)
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Function Base64encode(asContents)
- Dim lnPosition
- Dim lsResult
- Dim Char1,Char2,Char3,Char4
- Dim Byte1,Byte2,Byte3
- Dim SaveBits1,SaveBits2
- Dim lsGroupBinary
- Dim lsGroup64
- Dim m3,m4, len1, len2
- len1 = Lenb(asContents)
- If len1<1 Then
- Base64encode = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- m3 = Len1 Mod 3
- If M3 > 0 Then asContentsasContents = asContents & String(3 - M3, chrb(0))
- If m3 > 0 Then
- len1len1 = len1 + (3 - m3)
- len2 = len1 -3
- Else
- len2 = len1
- End If
- lsResult = ""
- For lnPosition = 1 To len2 Step 3
- lsGroup64 = ""
- lsGroupBinary = Midb(asContents, lnPosition, 3)
- Byte1 = Ascb(Midb(lsGroupBinary, 1, 1))
- SaveBits1 = Byte1 And 3
- Byte2 = Ascb(Midb(lsGroupBinary, 2, 1))
- SaveBits2 = Byte2 And 15
- Byte3 = Ascb(Midb(lsGroupBinary, 3, 1))
- Char1 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, ((Byte1 And 252) \ 4) + 1, 1)
- Char2 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, (((Byte2 And 240) \ 16) Or (SaveBits1 * 16) And &HFF) + 1, 1)
- Char3 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, (((Byte3 And 192) \ 64) Or (SaveBits2 * 4) And &HFF) + 1, 1)
- Char4 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, (Byte3 And 63) + 1, 1)
- lsGroup64 = Char1 & Char2 & Char3 & Char4
- lsResultlsResult = lsResult & lsGroup64
- Next
- If M3 > 0 Then
- lsGroup64 = ""
- lsGroupBinary = Midb(asContents, len2 + 1, 3)
- Byte1 = Ascb(Midb(lsGroupBinary, 1, 1))
- SaveBits1 = Byte1 And 3
- Byte2 = Ascb(Midb(lsGroupBinary, 2, 1))
- SaveBits2 = Byte2 And 15
- Byte3 = Ascb(Midb(lsGroupBinary, 3, 1))
- Char1 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, ((Byte1 And 252) \ 4) + 1, 1)
- Char2 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, (((Byte2 And 240) \ 16) Or (SaveBits1 * 16) And &HFF) + 1, 1)
- Char3 = Midb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, (((Byte3 And 192) \ 64) Or (SaveBits2 * 4) And &HFF) + 1, 1)
- If M3 = 1 Then
- lsGroup64 = Char1 & Char2 & ChrB(61) & ChrB(61) '用=号补足位数
- Else
- lsGroup64 = Char1 & Char2 & Char3 & ChrB(61) '用=号补足位数
- End If
- lsResultlsResult = lsResult & lsGroup64
- End If
- Base64encode = lsResult
- End Function
- '将Base64编码字符串转换成Ansi编码的字符串
- Function Base64decode(asContents)
- Dim lsResult
- Dim lnPosition
- Dim lsGroup64, lsGroupBinary
- Dim Char1, Char2, Char3, Char4
- Dim Byte1, Byte2, Byte3
- Dim M4, len1, len2
- len1 = Lenb(asContents)
- M4 = len1 Mod 4
- If len1 < 1 Or M4 > 0 Then
- Base64decode = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- If midb(asContents, len1, 1) = chrb(61) Then m4 = 3
- If midb(asContents, len1 -1, 1) = chrb(61) Then m4 = 2
- If m4 = 0 Then
- len2 = len1
- Else
- len2 = len1 -4
- End If
- For lnPosition = 1 To Len2 Step 4
- lsGroupBinary = ""
- lsGroup64 = Midb(asContents, lnPosition, 4)
- Char1 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 1, 1)) - 1
- Char2 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 2, 1)) - 1
- Char3 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 3, 1)) - 1
- Char4 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 4, 1)) - 1
- Byte1 = Chrb(((Char2 And 48) \ 16) Or (Char1 * 4) And &HFF)
- Byte2 = lsGroupBinary & Chrb(((Char3 And 60) \ 4) Or (Char2 * 16) And &HFF)
- Byte3 = Chrb((((Char3 And 3) * 64) And &HFF) Or (Char4 And 63))
- lsGroupBinary = Byte1 & Byte2 & Byte3
- lsResultlsResult = lsResult & lsGroupBinary
- Next
- If M4 > 0 Then
- lsGroupBinary = ""
- lsGroup64 = Midb(asContents, len2 + 1, m4) & chrB(65) 'chr(65)=A,转换成值为0
- If M4 = 2 Then '补足4位,是为了便于计算
- lsGroup64lsGroup64 = lsGroup64 & chrB(65)
- End If
- Char1 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 1, 1)) - 1
- Char2 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 2, 1)) - 1
- Char3 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 3, 1)) - 1
- Char4 = InStrb(sBASE_64_CHARACTERS, Midb(lsGroup64, 4, 1)) - 1
- Byte1 = Chrb(((Char2 And 48) \ 16) Or (Char1 * 4) And &HFF)
- Byte2 = lsGroupBinary & Chrb(((Char3 And 60) \ 4) Or (Char2 * 16) And &HFF)
- Byte3 = Chrb((((Char3 And 3) * 64) And &HFF) Or (Char4 And 63))
- If M4 = 2 Then
- lsGroupBinary = Byte1
- ElseIf M4 = 3 Then
- lsGroupBinary = Byte1 & Byte2
- End If
- lsResultlsResult = lsResult & lsGroupBinary
- End If
- Base64decode = lsResult
- End Function
- Function Encode64(byval Str)
- Encode64 = strAnsi2Unicode(Base64encode(strUnicode2Ansi(Str)))
- End Function
- Function Decode64(byval Str)
- Decode64 = strAnsi2Unicode(Base64decode(strUnicode2Ansi(Str)))
- End Function
- %>
- <%
- '调用测试
- Dim str,encodestr
- str="酷播官方 http://www.cuplayer.com"
- encodestr=Encode64(str) '编码
- response.write encodestr & "<hr>"
- response.write Decode64(encodestr) & "<hr>" '解码
- %>
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