- fscommand("fullscreen", false);
- fscommand("allowscale", false);
- fscommand("showmenu", false);
- //加载外部声音
- my_sound = new Sound();
- my_sound.loadSound("http://bbs.wybstv.com.cn/v/春暖花开.mp3", true);
- my_sound.start();
- //循环播放
- my_sound.onSoundComplete = function() {
- my_sound.start();
- };
- //创建音量底线
- this.createEmptyMovieClip("xing_mc", 1);
- with (xing_mc) {
- beginFill(0x009900);
- moveTo(46, 11);
- lineTo(100, 11);
- lineTo(100, 12);
- lineTo(46, 12);
- lineTo(46, 11);
- endFill();
- }
- //创建背景方框
- this.createEmptyMovieClip("fangkang_mc", 2);
- with (fangkang_mc) {
- lineStyle(1, 0x008800);
- moveTo(0, 0);
- lineTo(260, 0);
- lineTo(260, 14);
- lineTo(0, 14);
- lineTo(0, 0);
- }
- //创建音量滑块并控制音量
- this.createEmptyMovieClip("drag_mc", 3);
- with (drag_mc) {
- beginFill(0x008800);
- moveTo(46, 3);
- lineTo(50, 3);
- lineTo(50, 12);
- lineTo(46, 12);
- lineTo(46, 3);
- endFill();
- }
- left = drag_mc._x;
- right = left+50;
- top = drag_mc._y;
- bottom = drag_mc._y;
- drag_mc._x = my_sound.getVolume();
- drag_mc._x = 50;
- drag_mc.onPress = function() {
- this.startDrag(false, left, top, right, bottom);
- };
- drag_mcdrag_mc.onRelease = drag_mc.onReleaseOutside=function () {
- stopDrag();
- my_sound.setVolume((this._x)*2);
- };
- //按钮的可见性
- pause_mc._visible = 1;
- play_mc._visible = 0;
- //创建播放按钮
- this.createEmptyMovieClip("play_mc", 4);
- with (play_mc) {
- beginFill(0x008800);
- moveTo(5, 3);
- lineTo(14, 7.5);
- lineTo(5, 12);
- lineTo(5, 3);
- endFill();
- }
- play_mc.onRelease = function() {
- my_sound.start(time);
- this._visible = 0;
- pause_mc._visible = 1;
- };
- //创建停止按钮
- this.createEmptyMovieClip("stop_mc", 5);
- with (stop_mc) {
- beginFill(0x008800);
- moveTo(25, 3);
- lineTo(34, 3);
- lineTo(34, 12);
- lineTo(25, 12);
- lineTo(25, 3);
- endFill();
- }
- stop_mc.onRelease = function() {
- my_sound.stop();
- pause_mc._visible = 0;
- play_mc._visible = 1;
- time=0
- };
- //创建暂停按钮
- this.createEmptyMovieClip("pause_mc", 6);
- with (pause_mc) {
- beginFill(0x008800);
- moveTo(5, 3);
- lineTo(14, 3);
- lineTo(14, 12);
- lineTo(5, 12);
- lineTo(5, 3);
- endFill();
- beginFill(0xFFFFFF);
- moveTo(8, 3);
- lineTo(11, 3);
- lineTo(11, 12);
- lineTo(8, 12);
- lineTo(8, 3);
- endFill();
- }
- pause_mc.onRelease = function() {
- this._visible = 0;
- play_mc._visible = 1;
- my_sound.stop();
- time = my_sound.position/1000;
- };
- //创建进度显示文本
- this.createTextField("shijian_txt", 7, 112, -2, 100, 20);
- shijian_txt.textColor = 0x009900;
- shijian_txt.autoSize = true;
- onEnterFrame = function () {
- var totalseconds:Number = my_sound.duration/1000;
- var minutes:Number = Math.floor(totalseconds/60);
- var seconds = Math.floor(totalseconds)%60;
- if (seconds<10) {
- seconds = "0"+seconds;
- }
- var playedseconds:Number = my_sound.position/1000;
- var minutesed:Number = Math.floor(playedseconds/60);
- var secondsed = Math.floor(playedseconds)%60;
- if (secondsed<10) {
- sec+secondsed;
- }
- shijian_txt.text = minutesed+":"+secondsed+"—"+minutes+":"+seconds+"(Flash8.net闪吧)";
- };
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